The Mechanical Team is in charge of the physical make-up of the robot. First they work with the rest of the team to figure out what they want in a robot. They offer up their input with what will and will not work in a robot. Before they can start to build, they have to wait for the CAD team to make a design.
Once the CAD team has the final designs for the robot, they get straight to work. The Mechanical Team starts cutting and welding the metal to be put together. Once they get a good distance on the robot, they start working closely with the Electrical Team while electrical starts putting the wiring on. The Mechanical Team sees what works and what doesn’t; seeing if they need a new part or get rid of an old one.
The Mechanical Team needs to learn early on how to work collaboratively because they only have so much time to work on the robot. They are usually working down to the wire. At competitions, they’re running around, making sure the robot is operating properly and building new parts for it.
The Mechanical Engineering career field is growing day by day. People who learn mechanical skills can go into careers including the following: Automotive Research, Heating and Cooling Systems Design, Electric Generator Inspection, and Robotics Development. Not only do they get to work in a wide range of jobs, they get to work with many different people in different fields. People who have graduated from our team have gone on to become Diesel Technicians and into the mechanical field.